Tribute: Bill Wittmer's Memories of John Albright

John first came up in discussions with my roommate, Robert Felker, when I joined the National Park Service in July 1973. Bob and John worked on common projects on the Southeast Team, including Moores Creek, a Revolutionary War site. Bob was always positive about John. Years later, I traveled with John to Mid- and North Atlantic project sites and regional meetings. In 1980, we became two of the first nine project managers at Denver Service Center. We sat next to each other, working for Gerry Patton, covered for each other while traveling, and swapping projects. 

In 1983 we were made permanent PM's. In the late 1980's, when I was PM for New River Gorge National River, John was my supervisor. He also supervised Mike Hunter, who ran the New River Support Office in WV. The three of us were soon dubbed "The New River Mafia" by John Reynolds, and did our best to live up to the title. John was always helpful, supportive, and friendly. His later teaching at Colorado State U. garnered many admirers, I am sure. A one of a kind, U.S. Army tank commander, historian, researcher, and boss. 
