Tribute: John's Friend and Colleague Daniel Tyler

Dear Judy,

I am so sorry you lost John. Not having been an active Gaffer, I tend to receive important updates late and sporadically. I wish I had written sooner.

What a gift we all experienced when John joined the History Department – students and faculty alike. I so enjoyed his company. He was across the hall from me and a few doors down. I always marveled at the number of students who waited in line to get a few minutes with him.

He was a great guy; humble, funny, witty! But most of all, he had such a wonderful and engaging smile. It attracted people of all ages and he gave of himself with energy that made us envious. I am so pleased to have known him and to now say that we were colleagues. He enriched all of us and created memories that make me smile.

I thank you for sharing him with us and I wish you strength in these very difficult times.


Daniel Tyler
